What we offer
Development of digital solutions for museums. Be it a high-quality photograph or a complex virtual tour, we have the means and the know-how to deliver it.
Archaeological Photography
Aerial Photography
Using drones in photography. When the subject demands it, we can use aerial means for its capture. Be it a subject that we need to capture from difficult angles or an outdoors excavation site, a mosaic or a building, we have the professional tools for providing high-quality images.
3D Models
Using pixels to better understand history. We provide the visitor with the power of “handling” objects that were, hitherto, forbidden to do so. Fragile, heavy, big and difficult to showcase objects can now be available for the visitors to see and interact with with the use of technology.
Digital walk on challenging or remote sites. Using specialised equipment, any indoors or outdoors tour can be created for the visitor to enjoy. Sites that are difficult and dangerous for the common visitor to enter, are now available to the public without any risks. Furthermore, storage rooms and temporary exhibitions can now be digitally accessible to everyone.
About Me
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My Experience
Introducing Inspirational Motivational Innovative Museums